Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sam Ku West

From holywarbles: 'Sam Ku was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1907, becoming a professional musician when he joined Irene West's troupe of touring musicians and dancers in 1926. Initially he was known as Sam Ku, Jr. but soon adopted the professional name of Sam Ku West. Often he would be billed as the 'Kreisler of the steel guitar' [referring to the famous violinist]. This title was given to him by Prince George of England who saw him play in Singapore in 1926.


peepcoat said...

i smell a new concept for a gallery show: "Novel Ideas" or "Novel" by drew christie. You should hang all these covers and post the synopsis under them. brilliant.

Have a band perform a set of songs inspired by the made up novels.

D. Christie said...

yes! and Taschen will publish a coffee table book of my book covers for non existent books!