Soundtrack provided by the uncomparable Mike Seeger from his 1966 Folkways album Tipple, Loom & Rail. The song is called Miner's Blues and was originally recorded by the Great Frank Hutchison on September 11th, 19 and 28 for the Okeh record label. Album given to me by Davey O'Houlihan.
I just got my new tools from McClain's and some resingrave given to me by Russ Weicking for learning how to woodcut. Russ also let me try out his tools last weekend so I knew which ones I liked. Thanks again Russ! The Spitstickers are my favorite. The amount of detail you can get is amazing compared with the linoleum. I am going to illustrate a Russian Folk Tale as my first experiment in wood engraving.
I made this animation for the Moondoggies for their song Empress of the North. The album is called Tidelands and comes out October 13th. If anyone is interested, I am selling individual frames from the animation- each one is hand watercolored. Thanks go to everyone who helped out- Amanda Moore, Adam Powers, Kent Colony, and my parents Brian and Laurel Christie!
My animation will be playing OCTOBER 2, SATURDAY AT 7PM at the Northwest Film Forum with a bunch of other animations. You can order tickets in advance here.